
Korean garlic bread

Today I will be making Cream Cheese Garlic Bread. Don't forget to share this video to support me pls. My birthday is coming up soon so remember to subscribe to my channel and share the video to wish me a happy birthday.

First is to make the bread. Fill the bowl with 110ml fresh milk, 30g sugar, and 4g dry yeast (not baking powder) Lazy people can just buy dinner rolls/burger buns/Vietnamese baguette and make the sauce Stir well for the sugar and yeast to dissolve I'm only making this because a lot of people requested it, since it's really tiring to make bread in hot weather. It took me 3 nights to finish shooting this video :

Don't you feel bad for me : After the sugar and yeast had dissolved, add 250g bread flour and 3g salt Lastly 1 egg Mix well so the flour can absorb all the liquid You only need to mix until you don't see anymore liquid, like shown in the video Then, roughly knead by hand for about 5 minutes. Just use the palm of your hand to pull and fold it over, then just repeat the process and you'll be ok Knead for about 5 minutes until the dough stops sticking to your hands Transfer to the work surface Add in 20g unsalted butter and continue kneading until the butter is fully incorporated into the dough At this point, it's gonna be messy , try to knead for a while and it'll absorb into the dough , It looks like a cleaning rag lol

 After the butter is incorporated in, continue kneading for about 15 minutes. The method is still the same as before Keep using the palm to stretch the dough and roll back in, rotate it 90 degrees and repeat the method Knead until it won't tear when you stretch it. The moisture content of the dough is quite high so it'll be a bit sticky (just a tiny bit) so pls be patient Shape the dough into a ball and ferment it for 45-60 min or until it doubles in size (depending on the temperature of where you live. Omg this is so annoying Around my house has empty land with grass, so I'm surrounded by cricket.

Do you want to hear the cricket? While waiting, I'll pretend to fall asleep to look cute for the video
There're many crickets, but only 1 that makes really loud noises. Its sounds echoed my entire room Yesterday I was determine to go and find it, but darn it. Crickets are so evil. When they hear humans coming, they just shut up like clams. I searched everywhere but couldn't find any. There are also a few a bit further from my house. but they don't really bother me. But since I already took the bug spray with me, I'll just spray for the ones further away, even if I couldn't catch the ones close by They died after I spray, and then I felt bad. I feel sinful

But it's their fault for being so loud After the first fermentation, take it out and roughly knead for about 2 minutes Divide the dough into 4 equal pieces and shape them into balls They aren't loud like the normal ones, these darn crickets are extremely loud They crow as if they're right inside my ears like *I'm crowing so your stupid ears can go deaf*. Idk how to describe that feeling I'm a person that prefers complete silence and have to film videos, but their crows take up the entire video After shaping them, proof them for the second time for about 30 minutes until it reaches about 1.5 its original size (since it'll rise even more when baking, don't proof them for too long or it'll smell like yeast) Proof them inside the oven (oven turned off) with a glass of hot water so they won't dry out and keep them warm After proofing, bake them at 180*C for about 15-20 minutes depending on oven. Until it turns golden brown is ok After they're finished baking, put them in the trash, oh wait no

Trash them and make the cream cheese and garlic sauce For the cream cheese mixture, use 200g cream cheese (found at any baking supply stores) Cream cheese must be room temp and use a spatula to make them smooth When it's completely smooth, add in 30g sugar. Then mix for the sugar to dissolve These darn crickets don't just stay around my house, but they even invaded my house. Last night I was so angry because they kept crowing But then there's one that has the gut to sneak inside my house. It crawled under the door of my bathroom and crowed like it had never done it. OMG, I was so angry and grabbed the bug spray I continuously sprayed the gaps in my door and that darn cricket got silent immediately. It came out vigorously resisting, making lots of bubbles omg the feeling of that moment was extreme satisfaction. I was happy to death Oh yea, when the sugar had dissolve, add 50g whipping cream (you can replace it with milk) Whisk so they can combine. Then put the mixture into a piping bag for later use A bit later, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and saw its corpse. I felt so sinful and deeply regretted it

When there is something like roach, worm, bugs, etc, came into my house or room, I would just take it and put it out of the house. I never dared to kill them

 I'm scared of having sins , I only use violent when they do something really bad,  It's hard to deal with me when I'm angry I'm going to pray for the 2 crickets I accidentally killed yesterday. Please forgive me. I will keep this feeling into my heart forever, so please don't make "things" harder for me , Next is the garlic butter sauce. Everyone, just forget the little crickets, Melt 130g unsalted butter (after leaving them at room temp) Add in 50g finely minced garlic and 30g condensed milk Crack into the bowl 1 whole egg Add in 20g honey, just replace with sugar if you don't have honey Last is 3g marijuana, oh wait I mean parsley.

Dry or fresh is ok Add in a bit more if using fresh, or you can dehydrate them at 120 degrees for about 15 mins Whisk until the mixture is combined and kinds of thickens,  Like this is perfect, not too thick and not too runny After the bread is chilled at room temp, you can just leave it out without wrapping them. When it comes in contact with air, it will hardens up and when you drizzle the sauce on and bake it again, the crust will be crispy. One roll will feed 1 person. Cut into 6 will look the best, 8 is too much and looks ugly Then, take out the piping bag filled with the cream cheese mixture that we prepared earlier Pipe in the middle of each. Remember that this recipe for cream cheese and garlic is enough for 4 breads Don't pipe too much, it'll be overwhelming. But it won't be satisfying with too little

Just enough After piping the filling, pour over the garlic sauce of bread You can directly dip the bread into the sauce. But since I'm filming this, I have to drizzle the sauce otherwise it'll look messy Make sure to spread eventually to every side of the bread The bread won't be too wet, but just absorb in enough Ohhh, looking at it again makes me crave it. Tomorrow I'll make another batch for my family to eat

The garlic and herbs can be adjusted to your liking. But don't put in too little, as these 2 are the main ingredients of the distinct flavor of this bread After drizzling the sauce, immediately bake again at 160* for 10 minutes (remember to preheat oven). It's feels satisfying to watch the bread inside the oven The best time to eat this is when the bread is still warm It looks soooooooo good. Listen to the sound

the crust is so crispy and melts inside your mouth I swear I could already smell it when it was still baking. Obviously garlic butter can make a lot of dishes and is well-liked. But I have to say, this bread is super DELICIOUS. The outside is crispy, while the inside is moist, absorbed the sauce. It's also super light. omg I wanna faint Oh, for most of my videos, I only let my cat smell the food, not eat it. I already read and researched the food that aren't good for cats, so don't worry. I saw a lot of you commented so I'll just say it here It's almost my birthday, so remember to subscribe and share my video to support me, pls everyday

Comment down below what you want me to make. Thank you everyone so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Bai baiiiiiiiiii 